Introducing the Moontides Coffee Series: A Delicious Treat from Bolivia - Motif Roasters

Introducing the Moontides Coffee Series: A Delicious Treat from Bolivia

I am thrilled to introduce our inaugural coffee Moontides series, our first offering is a delectable treat from Bolivia that we are sure will impress even the most discerning coffee drinkers.

To help you get the most out of your coffee journey, we have included a scorecard and farmer's card with every purchase. While we are still getting better photos of the farmers, we believe these cards will be invaluable resources in your coffee exploration.

Two aspects of the farmer's card, flavor notes and cup score, often raise questions due to their subjective nature, so we want to take a moment to address them here.

Flavor notes are highly personal and depend on each person's individual life experiences. Therefore, there is no right or wrong when identifying flavor notes in coffee. While you may not taste the same notes we describe, we hope our notes will help guide you and develop your coffee vocabulary.

The cup score is an industry-standard developed by the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) to evaluate coffee quality. It rates coffee on ten attributes on a scale of 1 to 10, with specialty coffee being anything above 80 points. At Motif Roasters, we pride ourselves on using high-quality coffee, and this Bolivia roast has a score of 87.7.

Our included scorecard is a simplified version of the SCA cupping protocol, and we encourage you to use it to evaluate our Bolivia roast. While it is not a perfect representation of the SCA score, multiplying your scorecard by two will give you a basic idea of what an SCA score would be from your perspective.

We believe that using and keeping the scorecard together with the farmer's card will become a valuable tool in your coffee journey. It will help you reference previous coffees you have tried and develop your palate to discover new flavors and nuances in every cup.



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